Thursday, August 30, 2007

The inflation of the F word

dum dum dum... let us take a look at the economic of vulgarities for today.

Firstly, what on earth is inflation?
A persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion of available goods and services.

Excerpted from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Now I know you're going like wt*. So let me draw your attention to: decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency. Basically means if you print a hell lot of notes, the value of your currency drops. Okay now sub in the f word into money and the currency crap. Indubitably, the famed four-letter word is a pretty good way of expressing anger, but if you keep using it, its value begins to drop, and the impact it makes on people starts to decrease.

Let's quote a few examples. Let's say Shoujian, frequent user of ****, and he says: what the **** is this?! No one would really care. Now if you took Yi Wei(who the hell is that) or Vetuz(occupation: teacher), non-users of **** and they go: what the ****. Naturally you get blown away. Thus, the impact of the f word is inversely proportionate to the frequency of use, which actually isn't what inflation is about, but what the heck you get it. Therefore, the moral of today's economy class is to use vulgarities sparingly in order to make a higher impact when necessary for use.

Now just some bonus trivia for everyone: During the lunar 7th month, hell experiences a shit load of inflation as everyone burns hell notes and everything. So again, drop in the value of hell's currency, and the moral of the story is not to burn hell notes and pollute the environment as it's not good for those guys in hell as all their money turns from US dollars to ruppiah.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New world crisis, Global Warming takes second place~

Well well, what do we have on the news today???

-World News-
New global superpower on the rise - Junk Food Regime Burger Nation soon to over take Mcdonald's as world's no. 1 fast food economy.

Oh my, it's Armageddon



Burger jumps over the wall O_O


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